Street Art

Le CyKlop: Turning the Ordinary into One-Eyed Wonders

Think about the mythical creature, the Cyclops, sporting a single eye in the center of its forehead


Now imagine seeing Cyclops-inspired art embedded in your everyday urban landscape! This is exactly what the French street artist, Le CyKlop, accomplishes with his witty, transformative art. Hailing from the vivacious city of Paris, Le CyKlop’s affinity for street art was ignited during the flourishing graffiti culture of the 1980s. However, his fascination was not confined to the freedom and spontaneity of street art; he was captivated by the potential to transfigure the ordinary world into an extraordinary canvas. “I try to break free from conventional supports such as walls or canvas, to invest in objects. By putting an eye on them, I try to bring them to life, give them a soul and give birth to a form of fantasy,” Le CyKlop explains. He further adds, “A playful and anthropomorphic art that borrows its artistic language from toys, comics or animal bestiary. By drawing on the history of the Cyclops, I revisiting Greek mythology.” Rather than utilizing paint on a blank wall, Le CyKlop views everyday street fixtures, particularly the humble bollard, as unique canvases. These mundane posts, with a splash of paint and a sprinkle of imagination, transform into one-eyed creatures. Suddenly, these functional items, often overlooked, develop a life of their own, morphing into Cyclopean characters overseeing the city streets.

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Author: mediastaff

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